Life never turns the way we want
BUT we live it the best way we can
There is no perfect life
BUT we can fill it with perfect moments.
TROUBLES are like a washing machine
They twist ,turn and knock us around
But in the end we come out
brighter and better than before.
Good better best Don't take rest
Untill good becames better &
better become best work hard
When other take rest
Then success will become your guest.
My luck cannot change my work
but my hard work can change my luck
God cannot change the past
but man can shape the future.
LUCKY is one who gets the opportunity
BRILLIANT is one who creates the opportunity
WINNER is one who use the opportunity.
A prayer is not a 'spare wheel'
that u pull out when your in trouble
But prayer is stearing wheel
That directs the right path through out life.
Life teaches you to smile
and also teaches you to cry
It may be ironical but its true
that u can not know the value of smile until you cry.
Prayer is a outgoin call to GOD
No battari pawar , no charging, no network problem
no simcard always good singnal and less talk time.
Whenever you want to know how rich you are
Don't count your currency
Drop a tears and see
How many hands came to weep it.--- THAT IS TRUE RICHNESS
Listen to everyone and learn from everyone
Because nobody knows everything
But everyone knows something.
Never apply any terms and conditions in relations
Otherwise relation will be change into CONTRACTS
The most devoted relationship is friendship
because it doesn't require any promise and formality
But it requiers mutual understning.
Life is beautiful--one day , one hour, one minute
It doesn't come again so plz--avoid fight, avoid anger,
Speak lovely spread your smile--ENJOY LIFE
Never be worried if someone doesn't like you for the way you are
Because there will always be someone who likes you even more for the same reson.
At some point in life- You have to realise that
some people can stay in your heart forever but not in your life .
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